Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

A- Reescreva as sentenças na voz passiva.

- Mario will fix my car
- Fire was destroying the forest
- Nurses look after patients
- Robert will take Alex to the Airpont
- Shakespare wrote Romeu and Juliet
- Tarsila do Amaral painted "O Abaporu"
- That man sells fresh fruit and vegetables
- Allison broken the window
- Paulo is writing the letter
- Ane buys a house

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por KiraDanny
-My car will be fixed by Mário.
-The Forest were Bening destroyed by the fire.
-Te pacients are looked arte e by nurses.
-Alex will be taken to the airpont by Robert.
-Romeu and Juliet Was been wrote by Shakespeare.
-"O Abaporu" were pacientes by Tarsila do Amaral.
-Fresa Fruits and vegetações are sold by that man.
-The window were Broken by Allison.
-Te letter is being wrote by Paulo.
A house os bought by Ane.

Espero ter ajudadon
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