ENEM, perguntado por nawazkhan786785, 10 meses atrás

A mother's role is to love her children with all her heart. It is also the role of every mom to

understand her children. Write a description the role of your mother in your life.

 The way she works for you

 How she nurtures you

 How she looks after you

 How she sacrifices everything for the welfare of the family etc​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MatheusKlie01

Mother= Mãe  

Role= Função

A questão pergunta a função da mãe em "your life".

(Wrong) The way she works for you  - Works for you (Trabalha para você)

(Wrong) How she nurtures you  - Nurture you (Dar-lhe o que comer)

(Wrong) How she looks after you  - (Como ela cuida de você)

(Certa) How she sacrifices everything for the welfare of the family etc​.. - sacrifices everything (Sacrifica Tudo)  of the family (Para a familía)

Não precisa traduzir tudo para compreender o texto, basta saber palavras simples e chaves para que você monte o contexto.

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