Inglês, perguntado por raissalinhares69658, 4 meses atrás


Dear Mr. Clover,

My daughter Laura tries to study English every day. But she never learns it well. Do you think that she has a bad memory for languages?

Aretha Thompson.

Dear Mrs. Thompson,

I don´t think Laura has a bad memory for languages. She is a bright student. Maybe your daughter lacks interest or she doesn´t like the subject for one reason or another. Perhaps she is studying at a wrong time of the day. You say that she “tries to study”. Why doesn´t she really study? I mean, study and not try to. Sometimes people pretend to study, but unconsciously they don´t pay attention to what they are doing. Ask Laura to talk to her teacher before it is late.

Ken Clover (coordinator)

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Respondido por kam20


afirmativa: She is a bright student.

negativa: Laura has a bad memory for languages

interrogativa: Why doesn´t she really study?

raissalinhares69658: muito obgdh
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