Inglês, perguntado por tecksmart3gmailcom, 9 meses atrás

A long time ago in Japan there lived an old farmer and his wife. The
and gentle and always had a smile for everyone he met, but his wife was
veryone he met, but his wife was cold and very bad-
u. They had no children to help them, so as they got older, they had to work even
harder just to survive. The old man found and tamed a little sparrow, and taught it many
kinds of tricks. When he came in from the fields at the end of each day, the sparrow would
welcome him home, and sing and dance for him; so in spite of his hardships the old man
went to bed happy each night.
One day the old man had to go far into the forest to cut wood. It was laundry day, and
his wife was in a bad mood as she prepared the starch for the clothes and set it outside to
cool. While she was washing the clothes, the sparrow flew down to the starch and, as the old
man had taught it to, pecked at the starch until it was gone. When the old won
the starch and saw that the sparrow had eaten it, she went into a rage. She gra
in one hand and with the other she picked up her scissors and cut off the tip of its to
Then she threw the sparrow out the door, and it tiew away as fast as it could go
That night when the old man came home there was no sparrow to greet
his heart. When he questioned his wife, she admitted what she had done. addir
riddance! That bird has always caused more work for me."
The poor man was devastated .before dawn the next morning he took off to look for his little sparrrow (alguem pode traduzir)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por personhistorypsbo

Há muito tempo no Japão vivia um senhor fazendeiro e sua esposa. O fazendeiro tinha um sorriso pra todos que conhecia, mas sua esposa estava gripada e doente. Eles não tinham crianças para os ajudar, então quando envelheceram, tiveram que trabalhar mais duro ainda para sobreviver. O senhor encontrou um pequeno pardal, que ensinou muitos tipos de truques. Quando ele chegou nos campos no fim do dia, o pardal iria lhe dar as boas-vindas, dançar e cantar para ele; então mesmo com todo o trabalho duro, o senhor ia para cama feliz todas as noites.

Um dia, o senhor teve que ir longe para a floresta para cortar madeira. Era dia de lavar roupa, e sua esposa estava de mau humor enquanto preparava o amido para as roupas e colocara fora de casa para secar. Enquanto ela lavava as roupas, o pardal voou para o amido e, como o senhor o havia ensinado, bicou o amido até acabar.

Quando o senhor ganhou o amido e viu que o pardal havia comido tudo, a esposa ficou com raiva. Ela pegou com apenas uma mão e com a outra havia pegado a tesoura e havia cortado a ponta dos seus dedos dos pés.

Depois ela jogou o pardal para fora de casa, e o pardal foi longe o mais rápido que pode.

Aquela noite quando o senhor voltara para casa, não havia pardal lhe cumprimentando. Quando ele questionou sobre o pardal, ela admitiu sua culpa. "Aquele pardal só dava mais trabalho para mim! "

O pobre homem estava acabado. No próximo amanhecer da manhã, ele saiu para procurar pelo seu pequeno pardal.

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