Inglês, perguntado por itallo7, 1 ano atrás

a lenda do guaraná texto em inglês

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EmanuelVictor11
The Legend of Guarana

The legend

A couple of Indians belonging to the Maués tribe, lived together for many years without having children but longed to be parents. One day they asked Tupã to give them a child to complete their happiness. Tupa, king of the gods, knowing that the couple was full of goodness, answered their desire bringing them a beautiful boy.

Time passed quickly and the boy grew up handsome, generous and good. However, Jurupari, the god of darkness, felt an extreme envy of the boy and the peace and happiness that he transmitted, and decided to reap that life in bloom.

One day, the boy was collecting fruits in the forest and Jurupari took advantage of the occasion to launch his revenge. It has turned into a poisonous snake and bit the boy, killing him instantly.

The sad news spread quickly. At this point, they echoed thunder and strong lightning fell through the village. The mother, who cried in despair, understood that the thunder was a message Tupa, saying she should plant the child's eyes and from them a new plant would grow to fruition tasty.

The Indians met the mother's requests and planted the boy's eyes. There grew guarana whose seeds are black, each with an aryl around them, imitating the human eye.
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