Inglês, perguntado por felipefelipefelipe73, 1 ano atrás

A J U D A R - M E ? ( Se tiver bagunçado olha os comentários )
9 - Escolha a alternativa CORRETA para completar as frases a seguir: 9.a) I ____ about the beach yesterday. a) Dreaming b) dreamed c) dream 9.b) We were ______ on the phone when he____. talked – arrives talks- arrivees talking – arrived talking - arriveed 9.c) She was ______ at the mirror and he _______ a Picture. looking – tooking looks – took looked – taking looking- took

felipefelipefelipe73: e a b?
Smilysis: Se poder marcar minha resposta como melhor ficarei gratos :^D
Smilysis: grato*
felipefelipefelipe73: ou
felipefelipefelipe73: bugou a pergunta
felipefelipefelipe73: qual a resposta dessa ?
Smilysis: espera só um pouco XD
felipefelipefelipe73: 9.b) We were ______ on the phone when he____.
talked – arrives
talks- arrivees
talking – arrived
talking - arriveed
felipefelipefelipe73: aaaaaa
felipefelipefelipe73: obrigado[

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Smilysis


9.a) i dreamed about the beach yesterday.

Alternativa b).

9.b) We were talking on the phone when he arrived.

Alternativa c).

9.c) She was looking at the mirror and he took a Picture.

Alternativa d).

felipefelipefelipe73: vlw ;D
felipefelipefelipe73: <3
Smilysis: dnd ;D
felipefelipefelipe73: Demora 1 dia para dar melhor resposta né?
felipefelipefelipe73: Ou tem que esperar mais alguem responder?
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