Inglês, perguntado por quim2007, 10 meses atrás

A: I did not pay the bill.
B: _________ not?
A : Because ________ was incorrect!
1. Marque a opção que completa corretamente o dialogo acima: *
a) which – you
b) where – we
c) how – they
d) why – it
e) who – me
2. Complete as frases e marque a opção certa:
_________ did you buy that book? I bought that book two weeks ago *
a) How
b) Where
c) Why
d) What
e) when
___________Brothers do you have? *
a) When
b) How many
c) How much
d) Where
e) What

quim2007: alguem me ajuda sou muito ruim em ingles

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Amarelo12


1) Letra D

2) Letra E

3) Letra B

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