Inglês, perguntado por andreiasilva5419, 11 meses atrás

a. I
2- Complete as frases abaixo com o passado dos verbos que estão nos parênteses. Observe
que há verbos regular e irregular.
a- i. a good film yesterday.( to watch) R

b. He
nice clothers. (to buy) I

C. They. the violin at the party. ( to play) R

d. You
we yesterday. (to see) I

e. I
to school last week ( to go) I

f. In the afternoon I walked _along a lake. (to walk) R

g. We did not play
the piano, we playnd the guitar. (play) R

h. Did you speak English? (to speak) I

I. She taked the wrong bus. (to take) I​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por julia15nc


a) I watched a good film yesterday.

b) He bought nice clothes.

c) They played the violin at the party.

d) You saw we yesterday -> essa questão eu fiquei um pouco de dúvida por isso que acredito que seja: You saw us yesterday. Porque gramaticalmente o jeito que escrevi no segundo está certo, você decide aí.

e) I went to school last week.

f) In the afternoon I walked along a lake.

g) We didn't play the paino, we played the guitar. (DID NOT - passado por isso o verbo não fica no passado).

h) Did you speak English? (DID - passado, por isso o verbo não fica no passado).

i) She took the wrong bus.

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