Inglês, perguntado por gomessilvathays451, 5 meses atrás

a) How did _______________ ( much / a ) you pay for this word games?

b) Clara loves playing _______________ ( many / a ) game involving numbers.

c) There are _______________ (some / a) ways to win at chess, you just need to choose estrange.

d) We can't play this board game white so _______________ ( a / many ) missing pieces.

e) There aren't _______________ ( any / much ) board games at me house.

f) You need _______________ ( a / much) patient to play long games.

g) Can you give me _______________ (any / many) examples of card games ?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gshifferli


a) much

b) many





g) any


acho que é isso :)

Respondido por Trixin

a) How did much ( much / a ) you pay for this word games?

b) Clara loves playing a ( many / a ) game involving numbers.

c) There are some (some / a) ways to win at chess, you just need to choose estrange.

d) We can't play this board game white so a ( a / many ) missing pieces.

e) There aren't any ( any / much ) board games at me house.

f) You need much ( a / much) patient to play long games.

g) Can you give me any (any / many) examples of card games ?

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