A Hike in Costa Rica
May 1, 2016
By FelisSilvestris GOLD, Princeton, New Jersey
The bus rattles and whitres as it swung around
the winding one-tane road up the mountain
at speeds that made my heart pound furiously.
Inying not to look at the thin and winding road
that we were rocketing up, stared out the large
window in awe at the lush tropical greenery
that covered the mountainside.
Next to me my mother was as absorbed by the
View as I was She had won the trip to Costa Rica
as an award for high perfomance at her job and
she ad decided to take me with her so that we
could have some gid time together in a new
place, and I couldn't be happier to be in such a
beautiful country
*This is an active volcano we are standing on
top of now, the tourguide) said with a grin and
a strong accent You have the opportunity to
explore without a guide. (-)" lagreed and we set
out on the thin trail that led further into the dark
cloud forest
hike camin
rattled and
in awe.
It was incredibly beautiful. The trees grew in such a rangle that it was
impossible to tell where one plant ended and another began. There was all
the greenery that one would expect to see as we made our way on the little
dirt path, but it was surprisingly cold. [.) We spent a good amount of time
marveling at the top of the volcano (..
Birds cawed and called out to each other, hidden from view by the dense
foliage Frogs sung out in deep voices. Everything sounded so different so
much richer than it did in the suburbs of New Jersey.
Ay mom and I listened in silence for a while, just appreciating the beauty
round us
nally, we made it back to the parking lot where our bus waited, just as we had left it.
Soluções para a tarefa
pontos Caminhada na Costa Rica 1 de maio de 2016 Por FelisSilvestris GOLD, Princeton, New Jersey O ônibus chacoalhava e balançava ao contornar a sinuosa estrada de um caminho até a montanha em velocidades que fizeram meu coração bater furiosamente. Começando a não olhar para a estrada estreita e sinuosa que estávamos subindo como um foguete, olhou pela grande janela maravilhada com a vegetação tropical exuberante que cobria a encosta da montanha. Ao meu lado, minha mãe estava tão absorta em View quanto eu. Ela havia ganhado a viagem para a Costa Rica como um prêmio por alto desempenho no trabalho e ela decidiu me levar com ela para que pudéssemos ter um bom tempo juntos em um novo lugar , e eu não poderia estar mais feliz de estar em um país tão bonito * Este é um vulcão ativo no qual estamos parados agora, o guia turístico) disse com um sorriso e um sotaque forte Você tem a oportunidade de explorar sem um guia. (-) "concordamos e partimos na trilha estreita que levava mais adiante na floresta de nuvens escuras, camin chacoalhado e chacoalhod sinuoso pound.Estamos espantados. Era incrivelmente lindo. As árvores cresciam em tal extensão que foi RESPONDER