a) He ______________ goes to school by car, but sometimes he goes to school by bus. (sempre) b) The maid ___________________ washes the backyard. (geralmente) c) The top model _________________ irons her clothes. (nunca) d) Philip and Joe play the violin ______________________. uma vez por semana) e) My family _______________ travels together. (frequentemente) A sequência correta é:
A often – always – usually – once a week – never
B always – often – never twice a week – never – usually
C usually – always – never – once a week – often
D always – usually – never – once a week – often E always – usually – never – twice a week – often
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Frequency adverbs / Advérbios de frequência
a) He always goes to school by car, but sometimes he goes to school by bus. (sempre)
b) The maid usually washes the backyard. (geralmente)
c) The top model never irons her clothes. (nunca)
d) Philip and Joe play the violin once a week. (uma vez por semana)
e) My family often travels together. (frequentemente)
A sequência correta é:
A often – always – usually – once a week – never
B always – often – never twice a week – never – usually
C usually – always – never – once a week – often
D always – usually – never – once a week – often ✅
E always – usually – never – twice a week – often
Alternativa correta letra ''D''
→→ Advérbios de frequência >>> indicam a frequência com que algo é feito. Normalmente, os advérbios de frequência, em inglês, são colocados ANTES do verbo principal.
∴∴ O advérbio de frequência deve vir SEMPRE ANTES do verbo principal.
Subject +adverb of frequency + verbo principal
I never get up late.
They always play drums.
You should always respect your parents.
∴∴ O advérbio de frequência deve vir SEMPRE DEPOIS do verbo ''to be''
Estrutura com verbo ''to be''
Sujeito + verbo to be + advérbio frequência + complemento
I am never late for school.
He is always at school at 7:20am.
They are rarely late.
∴∴ Se tiver dois verbos o advérbio de frequência deve estar SEMPRE entre os dois verbos:
I can always speak fast.
They can never arrive on time.
→→ Alguns advérbios de frequência podem ser colocados no início ou no final da frase.
Occasionally they run at the park.
They run at the park occasionally.
The baby cannot sleep sometimes.
Sometimes the baby cannot sleep.
Learn more
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26869236
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/34000479