Inglês, perguntado por maria7544, 6 meses atrás

A happy end

Mother, tell me a story.

Once upon a time in a distant land there was a little girl.

She was poor but very nice.

She lived in a little house with her parents. She had two brothers and one sister.

When she was seven years old she went to a public school near her house.

All the teachers liked her because she was very attentive and she never talked in class.

When she was twenty she met her prince. He was strong, intelligent, handsome and rich.

And they got married and lived happily forever.

God bless you, my son.

Sleep in peace!

Responda as seguintes perguntas de acordo com o texto.

01.Who tells the story? (Quem conta a história?)

a) the father

b) the mother

c) the brother

d) the sister

02.The mother tells the story :( A mãe conta a história:)

a) to her daughter

b) to her little nephew

c) to her little son

d) to her little daughter

03.The story is about: (A história é sobre:)

a) a poor girl and a rich boy

b) a rich girl and a poor boy
c) a rich girl and rich a boy

d) a poor girl and poor a boy

04.The story happens: (A história acontece:)

a) in Brazil

b) in Inglaterra

c) in a near land

d) in a distant land

05.The story has: (A história tem:)

a) a sad end

b) a happy end

c) a bad end

d) a terrible end

06.The little girl went to school: (A menina foi para a escola:)

a) when she was seven years old

b) when she was six years old

c) when she was eigth years old

d) when she was nine years old

07.The little girl went: (A menina foi:)

a) to a private school

b) to nuns a school

c) to a public school

d) to a military schol

08.The school was: (A escola era :)

a) near the girl's house

b) side the girl's house

c) behind the girl's house

d) distant, far from the girl's house

09. The teachers liked the girl: (Os professores gostaram da menina:)

a) because she was rich and intelligent
b) because she was poor and intelligent

c) because she was very attentive

d) because she was few attentive

10.When the girl met her prince: (Quando a garota conheceu seu


a) she was sixteen

b) she was twenty

c) she was seventeen

d) she was nineteen
me ajudar​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marianabrelvas


1. b










maria7544: obrigada
Perguntas interessantes