Inglês, perguntado por gustavobataglia23, 10 meses atrás

A frightening amount of drivers will fess up to texting while driving. One recent survey found that 70% of people will admit to using their smartphones at the wheel. Now a new study goes beyond bad behaviors to investigate the motivations behind them. When it comes to teen drivers at least. It appears the culprit is an ascendant cultural plague: FOMO FOMO, an acronym far Tear of missing out, is not just another cloying bit of slang, report Liberty Mutual Insurance and the non-profit SADD, an acronym for Students Against Destructive Decisions. In their study of 1,622 high school juniors and seniors around the country, teen drivers said they feel pressure to respond immediately to texts even while driving and that they can't help but peek at their phones when notifications pop up in their apps. The expectations of their always

on lifestyles, the researchers say have potentially deadly consequences

STEINMETZ Ky TOMO mang e e anvers Disponível ps com Acesm 25 an 2020

O artigo trata da relação entre a sindrome do FOMO (fear of mang out) e o uso do celular ao volante por adolescentes Com relação a essa atitude pengosa, a causa informada pelo artigo e a

(A) tendencia entre os mais jovens de tomar atitudes autodestrutivas

(B) caracteristica da geração mais jovem de estar sempre com pressa.

(C) necessidade dos mais jovens de responder imediatamente as notificações

(D) imaturidade dos mais jovens por nao desenvolverem responsabilidade no transito.

(E) impossibilidade de adiar a resposta as mensagens dado o imediatismo do mundo atual​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ClaudioFerreira5


A alternativa correta é a ultima.

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