Inglês, perguntado por jacirapovoarainha, 3 meses atrás

A FAMOUS LOVE STORY In the 16" century. in Verona, Italy, there were two very important families, the Montagues and the Capulets. The two families were enemies One day the head of the Capulet family, Juliet's father, gave a big party. Of course he didn't invite the Montagues, but one of the Montagues, Romeo went to the party in disguise. He met Juliet at the party and they fell in love Romeo and Juliet planned to marry secretly with the help of a friend, Friar Laurence. But on the wedding day there was a fight between the two families and Romeo killed Tybalt, Juliet's cousin Romeo left Verona and went to another town. Juliet's father did not know that Juliet was married to Romeo. He planned for her to marry a friend of the family. Juliet asked Friar Laurence for help. and he gave her a secret potion. Juliet drank the potion and she went to sleep. Romeo returned to Verona and found Juliet. He thought she was dead, so he drank some poison and died next to her. When Juliet woke up and saw that he was dead she killed herself with his knife. After Romeo and Juliet died. the Capulets and the Montagues decided never to fight again, in honor of Romeo and Juliet's love. 1- De acordo com a história, qual era a família de Romeo? a- Capulets b- Montagues C- Silva d-Laurence e-Souza​

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