Inglês, perguntado por eduardomatte366, 3 meses atrás

A-Complete with SOME, ANY or NO:
1-Would you bring me..............books, please?
2-Do you have any money? No, I’m sorry. I
3-I in front of the bank.
4-She hasn’t eaten................biscuits yet.

B-Sublinhe a opção correta (some ou any).
1) There are some / any strawberries in the fridge.
2) Are there some / any pens on the desk?
3) There aren't some/ any cats in my house.
4) I've got some / any sandwiches in my bag.
5) Would you like some / any coffee?
6) We haven't got some / any biscuit.
7) There aren't some / any pineapples.
8) Are there some / any eggs in the fridge?
9) There isn't some / any lemonade in the bottle.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CronoAxolotl


1-Would you bring me some books, please?

2-Do you have any money? No, I’m sorry. I have some money.

3-I see some car in front of the bank.

4-She hasn’t eaten anybiscuits yet.

B-Sublinhe a opção correta (some ou any).

1) There are some/any strawberries in the fridge.

2) Are there some/any pens on the desk?

3) There aren't some/any cats in my house.

4) I've got some / any sandwiches in my bag.

5) Would you like some / any coffee?

6) We haven't got some / any biscuit.

7) There aren't some / any pineapples.

8) Are there some / any eggs in the fridge?

9) There isn't some / any lemonade in the bottle.

Espero ter te ajudado οωο

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