Inglês, perguntado por muca10101, 6 meses atrás

A – Complete the sentences, using the positive, comparative and superlative of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Dad's car is much __________________ than mine. (fast)
2. I think scuba diving is ________________ than climbing. (fascinating)
3. His thirst grew __________ and _______________. (big / big)
4. He thinks this test was _________________ than the last one. (difficult)
5. They live in a really ________________ house. (beautiful)
6. She is the _______________ tennis player of the world. (good)
7. Susan is a _________ girl. She's much ___________ than her sister. (nice / nice)
8. This suitcase is ______________ than the others. (heavy)
9. Hotels in London are ____________________ than in Vienna. (expensive)
10. Bob is ____________ than Keith, but Phil is the _______________. (tall / tall)
11. Doris reads ____________ books than Peter, but Frank reads the __________. (many / many)
12. France is as ____________ as Spain. (beautiful)
13. They live in a __________ house, but Fred lives in a __________ one. (big/big))
14. My sister is three years _____________ than me. (young)
15. This was the ____________ film I have ever seen. (bad)
16. I think tennis is __________________ than cycling. (interesting)
17. I talked to Claire and she is a very ____________ girl. (smart)
18. His company earned ______________ money than the years before. (little)
19. She was the _________________ girl at college. (popular)
20. They didn't stay out as _______________ as last Saturday. (late)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 11233455677
1- faster
2- more fascinating
3- bigger and bigger
4- more difficult
5- beautiful
6- best
9- more expensive
10- taller/tallest
11- more/ most
12- beautiful
13- big/bigger
14- younger
15- worst
16- more interesting
17- smart
18- less
19- most popular
20- late
Respondido por derickbueno355



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