Inglês, perguntado por jefersonmilgrau2, 8 meses atrás

A) Complete os espaços com a First Conditional: 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man _____________________ (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we _______________ (not be able to) swim in them in the future. 3. If we __________________ (not stop) cutting down so many trees, we ___________________ (endanger) our oxygen supply. 4. Soon the Earth’s resources will be exhausted if the human population ____________________ (continue) to grow. 5. If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the hole in the ozone layer ______________________ (get) bigger. 6. If the sun radiation can’t escape into space, Earth’s temperature _____________________ (increase) steadily. 7. If the global temperature ______________________ (rise), sea levels __________________ (rise) too. 8. We’ll threaten our own existence if we _________________ (not cut down) on waste rapidly. 9. People ____________________ (run out of) drinking water one day if they _______________ (not use) it more rationally. 10. If he ____________________ (want) to help the planet, then he __________________ (have to) change his habits. B) Complete os espaços com a Second Conditional. 1. If people _______________________ (not be) so careless, Earth wouldn’t be in danger. 2. The amount of waste ______________________ (decrease) if people started to buy reusable packages. 3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories _____________________ (not dump) so many chemicals into rivers and oceans. 4. If people _____________________ (buy) more recycled paper, there wouldn’t be so much waste. 5. _________________________ (you take) these bottles to the bottle bank if I asked you to? 6. If people really ____________________ (not care) about the environment, they ____________________ (not try) to save it. 7. If Paul __________________ (think) more about the planet, he wouldn’t waste so much water. 8. We ________________________ (be) less worried if oil spills _____________________ (not have) such destructive effects. 9. If we consumed less, we ____________________ (produce) less waste material. 10. If we ___________________ (destroy) the ozone layer, nothing ______________________ (save) us from the UV rays.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒  First conditional

⇒⇒  Second conditional

A) Complete os espaços com a First Conditional:

1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if men keep polluting the environment.

2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we won't be able to swim in them in the future.

3. If we don't stop cutting down so many trees, we will endanger our oxygen supply.

4. Soon the Earth’s resources will be exhausted if the human population continues to grow.

5. If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the hole in the ozone layer will get bigger.

6. If the sun radiation can’t escape into space, Earth’s temperature will increase steadily.

7. If the global temperature rises, sea levels will rise, too.

8. We’ll threaten our own existence if we don't cut down on waste rapidly.

9. People will run out of drinking water one day if they don't use it more rationally.

10. If he wants to help the planet, then he will have change his habits.

B) Complete os espaços com a Second Conditional.

1. If people were not so careless, Earth wouldn’t be in danger.

2. The amount of waste would decrease if people started to buy reusable packages.

3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories didn't dump so many chemicals into rivers and oceans.

4. If people bought more recycled paper, there wouldn’t be so much waste.

5. Would you take these bottles to the bottle bank if I asked you to?

6. If people really didn't care about the environment, they wouldn't try to save it.

7. If Paul thought more about the planet, he wouldn’t waste so much water.

8. We would be  less worried if oil spills didn't have such destructive effects.

9. If we consumed less, we would produce less waste material.

10. If we destroyed the ozone layer, nothing would save us from the UV rays.


→→  First Conditional - Situação real ou possível


If + sujeito + present neg/afirm. + will/won't + verbo+compl

If      she            is    happy I will          be     happy.

If      you     don't  study  more  you won't     get good grades.

If     Tom     arrives after 9pm  we won't have dinner together.

→→ Second Conditional / Segunda Condicional >> situação hipotética >> quando queremos falar sobre algo que não tem possibilidade real de acontecer, usamos a segunda condicional. O verbo no passado indica a condição e ''would'' + verbo indica o resultado futuro.


If + past aff./neg. + would /wouldn't + infinitive ......

If I had more money, I would travel a lot.

Se eu tivesse mais dinheiro, eu viajaria muito.

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Respondido por anaclaudialara

A) Completando os espaços com a first conditional, temos:

  1. keeps
  2. will not be able to
  3. don't stop /  will endanger
  4. continues
  5. will get
  6. will increase
  7. rises / will rise
  8. don't cut down
  9. will run out of / don't use
  10. wants/ will have to

B) Completando as lacunas com o Second Conditional, temos:

  1. weren't
  2. would decrease
  3. didn't dump
  4. bought
  5. Would you take
  6. didn't care / wouldn't try
  7. thought
  8. would be / didn't have
  9. would produce
  10. destroyed / would save

First Conditional

Condicionais são frases que trazem uma condição para que algo aconteça, ou a possível consequência de determinada atitude que você ou alguém tomar.

Na primeira condicional, ou condicional 1, a oração principal fica no futuro simples e a subordinada, no presente, com "if".

A estrutura é a seguinte:  

  • If + sujeito + verbo no simple present + sujeito + will + verbo.
  • If +     we    + dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers + we + will + die soon. (Se nós jogarmos toda sorte de químicos nos rios, nós iremos morrer logo).

Mas pode apresentar ordem inversa:

  • Sujeito + will + verbo + if + sujeito + verbo no presente simples
  • Soon the Earth’s resources + will + be exhausted + if + the human population + continues + to grow.

A negação se dá na frase principal (a com o "will"), seguindo a seguinte ordem:

  • If + sujeito + verbo no simple present + sujeito + will + not + verbo
  • If +   we    + dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers + we + will + not + be able to swim in them in the future. (Se nós jogarmos toda sorte de químicos nos rios, nós não poderemos nada neles no futuro).

Mas se você quiser passar a subordinada para a negativa, basta usar o auxiliar "do not"/"does not".

Na interrogação, o Will vai para a frente do sujeito:

  • Will + sujeito + verbo + if + sujeito + verbo
  • Will + we + be able to swim in the rivers + if + we + continue to dump all sorts of chemicals in it?

Para saber mais sobre first Conditionals, acesse:

Second Conditional

Na Second Conditional ou segunda condicional, a oração subordinada é escrita no passado simples e, na oração principal, usam-se verbos modais, seguido de um verbo no infinitivo.

A estrutura é a seguinte:

  • If + sujeito + past simple +  sujeito + modal verb + verbo infinitivo.
  • If +   we  +  consumed less, +  we   +    would     + produce less waste material. (Se nós consumíssemos menos, nós produziríamos menos resíduos).  

Os modal verbs são:

  • would (iria);
  • might (poderia);
  • could (poderia); e
  • should (deveria).

Assim como na first conditional, a interrogativa ocorrerá na oração principal, que contém o verbo modal:

  • If + sujeito + past simple +  modal verb + sujeito + verbo infinitivo.
  • If +   we  +  consumed less,   +   would     +   we   + produce less waste material? (Se nós consumíssemos menos, produziríamos menos resíduos?).  

Na oração negativa, o "not" vem após o verbo modal. Para deixar a frase subordinada na negativa, basta usar o auxiliar did not:

  • If + sujeito + did not + sujeito + verbo modal + not
  • If people really didn't care about the environment, they would not try to save it.

Para saber mais sobre second conditionals, acesse:

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