Inglês, perguntado por zeze78901, 5 meses atrás

A- Complete as frases com o Past Continuos do verbo entre parênteses na forma que se pede:

Exemplo: He______________________soccer yesterday (play- affirmativa)
Was playing

1-When I phoned my friends, they_____________Monopoly.(play- affirmative) *

1 ponto

2-Yesterday at six I_______________the dinner.(prepare-negative)

Sua resposta


3-__________the kids __________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain?(play-interrogative) 

Sua resposta

4-I ____________ the guitar when he came home.(practice-affirmative) *

1 ponto

Sua resposta

5-We___________ all day.(cycle-negative) ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por shorasteh


1-When I phoned my friends, they were playing Monopoly.(play- affirmative)

2-Yesterday at six I wasn't preparing the dinner.(prepare-negative)

3- Were the kids playing in the garden when it suddenly began to rain?(play-interrogative)  

4-I was practicing the guitar when he came home.(practice-affirmative)

5-We weren't cycling all day.(cycle-negative) ​

zeze78901: Mt obrigada
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