Inglês, perguntado por Pedrosouzacarvalh, 4 meses atrás

A - Complete as frases com a forma correta da Passive Voice usando o Simple Present:
a. English ____________________ (speak) in many countries.
b. The post ______________________ (deliver) at about 7 o’clock every morning.
c. ______________________________ (the building/use) any more?
d. How often ______________________________ (the Olympic Games(hold)?
e. How _______________________ (your name/spell)?
f. My salary _____________________ (pay) every month.
g. These cars _________________________ (not make) in Japan.
h. The name of the people who committed the crime _____________________ (not know).
i. His travel expenses ________________________ (not pay) by his company.

B - Complete as frases com a forma correta da Passive Voice usando o Simple Past:
a. My car ______________________ (repair) last week.
b. This song ________________________ (not write) by John Lennon.
c. ________________________________ (the phone/answer) by a young girl?
d. The film ________________________ (make) ten years ago.
e. When ______________________________ (tennis/invent)?
f. The car ________________________ (not damaged) in the accident.
g. The original building _________________________ (pull) down in 1965.
h. Where ______________________________ (this pot/make)?
i. When _______________________________ (this bridge/build)?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Passive voice

A - Passive voice usando o Simple Present

a. English is spoken in many countries.

b. The post is delivered about 7 o’clock every morning.

c. Isn't this building used any more?

d. How often is the Olympic Games held?  

e. How is your name spelled?  

f. My salary is paid every month.

g. These cars are not made in Japan.

h. The name of the people who committed the crime are not known.

i. His travel expenses are not paid by his company.

B - Passive Voice usando o Simple Past

a. My car was repaired last week.

b. This song was not written by John Lennon.

c. Was the phone answered by a young girl?

d. The film was made ten years ago.

e. When was tennis invented?

f. The car was not damaged in the accident.

g. The original building was pulled down in 1965.

h. Where was this pot made?

i. When was this bridge built?

→→  Voz ativa - sujeito pratica a ação do verbo

John drives a black car. - John dirige um carro preto.

John - sujeito

black car – objeto

→→  Voz passiva - objeto será o sujeito da passiva

The black car is driven by John. - O carro preto é dirigido pelo John.

the black car - sujeito da passiva

John - objeto

→→  Passive voice no Simple Present

Objeto + am/is/are + particípio   +   complemento

The car is repaired by the mechanic.

→→ Passive voice no Simple Past

Objeto + was/were + participle + complemento

The was repaired last week.

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