a B por favorrrrrrrr

Soluções para a tarefa
1. Am I choosing the correct answer?
2. Is the student getting good marks?
3. Are you really learning the new words?
4. Are many animal species dying?
5. Are people claiming for justice?
6. Is she smiling?
A forma interrogativa ou interrogative form é quando você muda a ordem da frase para formular uma pergunta. No inglês você apenas altera a ordem.
Ex: I am here. (Forma normal)
Am I here? (Forma Interrogativa / Interrogative form)
No caso das perguntas em que o are está pro final da frase, você traz ele pro início.
1. Am I choosing the correct answer?
2. Is that sudent getting good marks?
3. Are you really learning the new words?
4. Are Marry animal species dying?
5. Are people claiming for justice?
6. Is she smiling?