Inglês, perguntado por EuPandaMello, 9 meses atrás

A - Answer the questions below.
01. Are you going to open a new bank account?
02. What are you going to buy for your mother on her birthday?
03. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend going to visit you this week?
04. Are you going to wear something new for the weekend?
05. Where are you going to go on vacation?
B-Write the questions for these answers.
I was going to buy it but it was too expensive.
She was going to go surfing but it started raining.
We were going to order pizza.
Yes, she was going to have a meeting, but it got cancelled.
No, I wasn't going to tell her about the accident.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por valeska2020

A- 1. No, I have two bank accounts, I don't need other

2. I'm going to buy a new purse, the other is old

3. No, he came yesterday, I'm going to see him next month

4. No, I'm going to use my old clothes and my pajama

5. I'm going to stay at home, reading or watching tv series

B- 1. What were you going to do ?

2. Where was she going ?

3. What were you going to do now ?

4. Was she going to have a meeting ?

5. Were you going to tell her about the accident ?

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