Soluções para a tarefa
1) He is afraid of the
2) There is an airport near this house
3) He couldn't live without the music
4) A dog is an animal
5) All cars have an wheel
6) Why isn't he at the work?
7) The English people drink a lot of tea
8) He has got a long nose
9) This house is very nice. Has it got a garden
10) I like coffe without the milk
11) He likes the beer
12) They had diner in a very nice restaurant
13) The apples are good for me
14) He likes the skling
15) it's a beautiful day
16) They had a dinner in the best restaurant in town
17) our society is based on a family
18) He is the doctor//He is a doctor
19) He is still in the bed
20) The bicycle is an excellent means of transport
21) The olympic games take place every four years
22) The Italians are famous for their Mediterranean diet
23) When was the telephone invented?
24) Can she play the musical instrument?
25) He eats the meat every day
26) He plays the guitar in an orchestra
27) Can you play the piano?
28) He has got an motorbike
29) I love swimming in the pool
30) He is never been in a hospital
31) Her mother went to the hospital to visit her
32) I like to read in the bad before sleeping
An/A = uma coisa, um animal
A Dog (um cachorro qualquer)
The = o ou a coisa
the Dog (o cachorro, algum cachorro que você ja saiba que existe por exemplo)
An é usado apenas quando a próxima palavra começa com A, E, I, O e U
An excellent day
A é usado pra qualquer outra letra
A good day
espero ter ajudado :)