Inglês, perguntado por PinguimShady, 8 meses atrás

a 2 questão é pra refazer as frases da 1 mudando para forma negativa.

me ajudem desde já agradeço


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laiannyvitorialeandr


sim, utilizando a forma negativa not!!!

PinguimShady: e a questão 1 e 3 ?
Respondido por andreiajorge1234


1. Mary is

You are

He is

They are

It is

We are

I am

She is

Peter is

2. Mary isn't a beautiful girl

You aren't my best friend

He isn't the new teacher

They aren't very happy

It isn't my dog

We aren't friends

I am not a student

She isn't my love

Peter isn't very intelligent

3. Mary has

You have

He has

They have

My dog has

We have

I have

She has

Peter has


I am (not)/ have (haven't)

You are (aren't)/ have

He is (isn't)/ has (hasn't)

She is (isn't)/ has

It is (isn't)/ has

We are (aren't)/ have

They are (aren't)/ have

Good luck ;)

PinguimShady: obrigadooo ❤️❤️
andreiajorge1234: Não tem de quê
andreiajorge1234: :)
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