Inglês, perguntado por mafatimatrindad, 4 meses atrás

9. Write the sentences in the Negative and Interrogative forms (To be Present or To be Past):

Kate was on the cinema yesterday.
Neg __________________
Int _____________________

I was cooking a delicious pie for my mother.
Neg _______________________
Int ____________________

Bob and your father were working when I arrived.
Neg _____________________
Int ________________________

My sister is a nurse and she takes care of the sick people.
Neg __________________
Int ____________________

Eduard and Peter are soccer players.
Neg ____________________
Int ______________________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7

9. Write the sentences in the Negative and Interrogative forms (To be Present or To be Past):

Kate was in the cinema yesterday.

Neg: Kate was not in the cinema yesterday

Int: Was kate in the cinema yesterday ?

I was cooking a delicious pie for my mother.

Neg: I was not cooking a delicious pie for my mother

Int: Was I cooking a delicious pie for my mother ?

Bob and your father were working when I arrived.

Neg: Bob and your father were not working when I arrived

Int: Were Bob and your father working when I arrived ?

My sister is a nurse and she takes care of the sick people.

Neg: My sister is not a nurse and she doesn't take care of the sick people

Int: Is my sister a nurse and she take care of the sick people ?

Eduard and Peter are soccer players.

Neg: Eduardo and Peter are not soccer players

Int: Are Eduardo and Peter soccer players ?

»» O verbo to be é o verbo ser/estar no presente é representado pelas palavras am, is, are.

»» O verbo to be quando no passado é representado pelas palavras was/were.

>> Conjugação no presente <<

    • I am

    •You are

    • He is

    • She is

    •  It is

    •  We are

    • They are

>> Conjugação no passado <<

    • I was

    •You were

    • He was

    • She was

    •  It was

    •  We were

    • They were

Tanto no presente e passado para formar frases negativas e interrogativas a regra é simples, veja:

- Em frases negativas acrescenta-se not após o verb be {am,is,are - was/were};

> I am not tired today > presente

> I was not tired yesterday > passado

- Em frases interrogativas coloca-se o verb be {am,is,are - was/were}; antes do sujeito {I, you, he, she, it, we, they};

Are you happy today? > presente

Were you happy yesterday? > passado

°Espero ter ajudado;

°Bons estudos!

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