Soluções para a tarefa
By using the Omegle Web site, and/or related products and/or services ("Omegle", provided by Omegle.com LLC), you agree to the following terms: Do not use Omegle if you are under 13. If you are under 18, use it only with a parent/guardian's permission. Do not transmit nudity, sexually harass anyone, publicize other peoples' private information, make statements that defame or libel anyone, violate intellectual property rights, use automated programs to start chats, or behave in any other inappropriate or illegal way on Omegle. Understand that human behavior is fundamentally uncontrollable, that the people you encounter on Omegle may not behave appropriately, and that they are solely responsible for their own behavior. Use Omegle at your own peril. Disconnect if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable. You may be denied access to Omegle for inappropriate behavior, or for any other reason. OMEGLE IS PROVIDED AS IS, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, NOT EVEN A WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PROVIDER OF OMEGLE, AND ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH OMEGLE'S OPERATION, SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF OMEGLE, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES RELATED TO OMEGLE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. By using Omegle, you accept the practices outlined in Omegle's PRIVACY POLICY and INFORMATION ABOUT THE USE OF COOKIES (updated 2014-06-03 – contains important information about video chat monitoring).
Todos os dias quando acordo
Não tenho mais
O tempo que passou
Mas tenho muito tempo
Temos todo o tempo do mundo
Todos os dias
Antes de dormir
Lembro e esqueço
Como foi o dia
Sempre em frente
Não temos tempo a perder
Nosso suor sagrado
É bem mais belo
Que esse sangue amargo
E tão sério
E Selvagem! Selvagem!
Veja o Sol
Dessa manhã tão cinza
A tempestade que chega
É da cor dos teus olhos
Então me abraça forte
E diz mais uma vez
Que já estamos
Distantes de tudo
Temos nosso próprio tempo
Temos nosso próprio tempo
Temos nosso próprio tempo
Não tenho medo do escuro
Mas deixe as luzes
Acesas agora
O que foi escondido
É o que se escondeu
E o que foi prometido
Ninguém prometeu
Nem foi tempo perdido
Somos tão jovens
Tão Jovens! Tão Jovens!
Quanto ao uso dos termos destacados na música, evidencia-se que o:
a) segundo que retoma o verbo dizer, presente no mesmo verso.
b) primeiro que possui valor de referencial anafórico, retomando o termo tempo.
c) terceiro e o quarto que apontam para um mesmo referencial anafórico, o termo luzes.
d) quarto que se refere ao termo jovens, consolidando-se como referencial catafórico.
e)primeiro que possui apenas valor de 8, não assumindo valor anafórico
By using the Omegle Web site, and/or related products and/or services ("Omegle", provided by Omegle.com LLC), you agree to the following terms: Do not use Omegle if you are under 13. If you are under 18, use it only with a parent/guardian's permission. Do not transmit nudity, sexually harass anyone, publicize other peoples' private information, make statements that defame or libel anyone, violate intellectual property rights, use automated programs to start chats, or behave in any other inappropriate or illegal way on Omegle. Understand that human behavior is fundamentally uncontrollable, that the people you encounter on Omegle may not behave appropriately, and that they are solely responsible for their own behavior. Use Omegle at your own peril. Disconnect if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable. You may be denied access to Omegle for inappropriate behavior, or for any other reason. OMEGLE IS PROVIDED AS IS, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, NOT EVEN A WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PROVIDER OF OMEGLE, AND ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH OMEGLE'S OPERATION, SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF OMEGLE, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES RELATED TO OMEGLE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. By using Omegle, you accept the practices outlined in Omegle's alor de 8, não assumindo valor anafórico