Inglês, perguntado por ketulynlima, 6 meses atrás

9. Complete as frases com os verbos
a) Paul____the street. He is a sanitation worker.
b) My sister____with computers. She is a computer programmer.
c) That Young man_____cars. He is a machine.
d) My friend Steve_____people in a restaurant. He is a matter.
e) Polly_____English. she is an English teacher.
f) Mary_____in a public school. She is a student.
g) Bob's uncle_____delicious dishes. He is a cook.​

yuminani: que verbos? to be?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rfjr


a) Paul__works__the street. He is a sanitation worker.

b) My sister__works__with computers. She is a computer programmer.

c) That Young man__drives___cars. He is a machine.

d) My friend Steve___serves__people in a restaurant. He is a matter.

e) Polly__teaches___English. she is an English teacher.

f) Mary___studies__in a public school. She is a student.

g) Bob's uncle__cooks___delicious dishes. He is a cook.​


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