Inglês, perguntado por guilherme1122333, 11 meses atrás

8- Responda em inglês usando o Past Continuous
A) What was Peter doing when he saw the flying object?
B) What was Megan doing when she saw the flying object?
C) What were Andy and Lucy doing when they saw the flying object?
D) What were they doing when the object turned red?

dudabeadriguespaa191: as respostas devem ser inventadas ou baseadas em um texto?
guilherme1122333: inventadas

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dudabeadriguespaa191

A) He was doing his homework.

B) She was taking a shower.

C) They were playing videogame.

D) They were sleeping.

Eu inventei as respostas '-'

guilherme1122333: vlw
dudabeadriguespaa191: nd
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