Inglês, perguntado por anabeatriznevesloiol, 9 meses atrás

8. Replace the capital words by possessive pronouns. (Substitua as palavras em maiúsculo por pronomes possessivos) a) My car and YOUR CAR are not very economical. _______________________________________ b) Your father and MY FATHER are engineers. _______________________________________ c) His house and HER HOUSE are on the same street. _______________________________________ d) Our teacher and THEIR TEACHERS are excellent. _______________________________________ e) Your car and MY CAR are in the garage. _______________________________________ f) Your parents and HIS PARENTS are from Mexico. _______________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rubengsarmento2


a) My car and yours are not very economical.

b) Your father and mine are engineers.

c) His house and hers are on the same street.

d) Our teacher and theirs are excellent.

e) Your car and mine are in the garage.

f) Your parents and his are from Mexico.

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