Inglês, perguntado por anapaula5347, 8 meses atrás

8) Preencham os espaços em branco utilizando "do", "don't", "does" ou
"doesn't" corretamente.
A. He loves his know where he works? No, I
B. She need to come here. Just tell her I'm going to call her tomorrow.
C. They _help anyone. They only care about themselves.
D. This doctor .see patients every day. he work at night?
E. What you want from me? Well, I know. Maybe a little more attention. respostas ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tania2019


a) do you know...

No, I don't

b) Does she need  to come here? No , she doesn't. Just tell her...

c)They  don't  help...

don't they?

d) This doctor doesn't see patients...

- Does he work at night?

e) What do you....

well, I don't know


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