8) O adjetivo que aparece na tirinha abaixo é:
a) Walk
b) Feet
9)Escolham as opções que melhor preenchem os espaços em branco, utilizando "who","what","when","where" e "why" corretamente. " I don't know__________we are going to finish the project but it won't take too long. It has to be ready before April 10th." *
a) Who
b) What
c) When
d) Where.
10) (UFPR) Assinale a alternativa correta, tendo como base as regras do plural. *
a) Much Brazilian children go to Disney World.
b) People spend many time visiting one another.
c) Many people travel during their vacation.
d)The people need many money
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
8) c) Dirty
walk é um verbo
feet e floor são substantivos
9) c) When
who = quem
what = o que
when = quando
where = aonde/onde
10) c) Many people travel during their vacation.
espero ter ajudado :)
walk é um verbo
feet e floor são substantivos
9) c) When
who = quem
what = o que
when = quando
where = aonde/onde
10) c) Many people travel during their vacation.
espero ter ajudado :)
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