Inglês, perguntado por vlpipinho, 8 meses atrás

8) Complete the sentences using must or have to/has to according to the context.
a) He´s got a lung problem and he _______________ go to the hospital every two weeks.
b) You __________________ come and visit us soon. It would be so nice to see you again.
c) That´s really good news. I ________________________________ tell my friend, Steve.
d) As I won´t be home tonight, I ____________ do my homework during my lunch break.
e) “Can we meet on Thursday morning?” “Sorry, no I ______________ go to the dentist at 11:00.”

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sbrunadeas


a) has to.

b) have to.

c) have to.

d) have to.

e) have to.

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