Inglês, perguntado por ninjinhamusical, 6 meses atrás

8. Assinale a única alternativa em que só pode usar o Going to para completar a frase. *
a) I'm not sure you ___________ very well. (work)
b) They guess they _________ that match. (win)
c) I ___________ you next weekend. (help)
d) I hope she _______________ on time . (arrive)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pimentadavila0022

Resposta:Assinale a única alternativa em que só pode usar o Going to para completar a frase. *

a) I'm not sure you ___________ very well. (work)

b) They guess they _________ that match. (win)

c) I ___________ you next weekend. (help)

d) I hope she _______________ on time . (arrive)

Explicação:Assinale a única alternativa em que só pode usar o Going to para completar a frase. *

a) I'm not sure you ____you area not_______ very well. (work)

b) They guess they _____not you area____ that match. (win)

c) I _____you area that______ you next weekend. (help)

d) I hope she ______on time you is_________ on time . (arrive)

ninjinhamusical: qual e a alternativa correta ?
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