Inglês, perguntado por dyulligsdoliveira, 5 meses atrás

6. Reorganize as palavras e utilize a forma de there to be
indicada em negrito para formar as frases.
a. past / affirmative: THERE WAS
my house / park / a beautiful / near
EXEMPLO: There was a beautiful park near my house.
b. present / affirmative: THERE ARE
of pizza / in the fridge / three slices
c. present / negative: THERE AREN'T
in this / square / crazy cats
d. present / interrogative: IS THERE
I can do / anything / for you?
e. past / interrogative: WERE THERE
last night / many stars / in the sky?
f. past / negative: THERE WEREN'T
in the bedroom / fifteen dogs​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yab15lb

b) There are three slices of pizza in the fridge.

c) There aren't crazy cats in this square.

d) Is there anything can I do for you?

e) Were there many stars last night in the sky?

f) There weren't fifteen dogs in the bedroom.

Espero ter ajudado.

dyulligsdoliveira: obrigada por salvar minha vida
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