Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 5 meses atrás

7-Selecione a alternativa correta em concordância com a condicional em parênteses.
a. If you don't leave/didn't leave, l'm goingto call the police. (first conditional)
b. If he calls me, l will speack/speak to him. (first conditional)
c. If we had any money, we would/will lend it to you. (second conditional)
d. We will have/have luch together if you arrive on time. (first conditional)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Conditionals

a. If you don't leave, l'm going to call the police. (first conditional)

b. If he calls me, l will speak to him. (first conditional)      

c. If we had any money, we would lend it to you. (second conditional)

d. We will have lunch together if you arrive on time. (first conditional)    

→→ First Conditional / Primeira condicional - Situação real ou possível  


If + present simple + will + verbo

If she is happy I will be happy.  

If David arrives earlier we will have dinner together.

→→ Second conditional / Segunda Condicional - situação hipotética >> quando queremos falar sobre algo que não tem possibilidade real de acontecer, usamos a segunda condicional. O verbo no passado indica a condição e ''would'' + verbo indica o resultado futuro.  


If + simple past + would /wouldn't + infinitive  

If I were rich I would travel a lot.  

If Susan arrived on time she would have time enough to finish the work.  

Learn more


CremildaBR: esse exercicio não é pra apontar qual alternativa está correta. Por favor, leia sua tarefa. ;)
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