Inglês, perguntado por kallcvs69gmailcom, 7 meses atrás

7. Answer the questions about the simple past of regular verbs.
Responda as questões sobre o passado simples dos verbos regulares,
My classmate and l... our teacher
a question about the test.
They ... to the park because they
were very tired.
a) ask
by asked
a) no walk
b) not walk
C) was asking
c) didn't walk
He ... see a dentist yesterday
because he had a toothache.
a) want
b) wanted to
c) wants to
Mr. Johnson ... for help when he
fell in the water.
a) was shout
b) shouts
c) shouted
I... tennis yesterday because I
don't know how to play tennis.
a) didn't played
b) not played
c) didn't play
(A) ... they fix their bicycles?
(B) Yes, they ....
a) Did / did
b) Were / did
c) Did / fixed​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por angelicacflora

7.a) My classmate and l asked our teacher  a question about the test.  They was asking to the park because they  were very tired.

  b) He wanted to see a dentist yesterday  because he had a toothache.

  c)Mr. Johnson shouted for help when he  fell in the water.

  d) I didn't play tennis yesterday because I  don't know how to play tennis.

  e) Did they fix their bicycles?

       Yes, they fixed.

kallcvs69gmailcom: e letra f
kallcvs69gmailcom: a_they fix their bicycles b yes,tey_ a)did/did b)were/did c) Did/fixed
angelicacflora: é a letra e
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