Inglês, perguntado por tata440, 11 meses atrás

O tempo verbal Presente Perfeito Contínuo (Present Perfect Continuous) da Língua Inglesa é composto pelo verbo have/has, seguido do verbo to be no passado particípio – been – e de um terceiro verbo, no presente particípio (-ing form). Esse tempo verbal é utilizado para descrever ações que começaram em algum momento do passado e perduram até o presente. Normalmente, quando o Present Perfect Continuous é usado, existe uma ênfase à duração da ação. No texto a seguir, há o uso do Present Perfect Continuous. Leia o texto, e também as informações que seguem.

The “second Russian revolution”
In a recent survey of the “Forty richest people aged under 40”, forty of the ten richest people came from Russia. This may seem surprising for a country that spent most of the last century under communist rule. But anyone who has been following developments in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991 won’t be too surprised.
Even before 1991 it was legal for people to start private companies and co-operatives. Since then the values of capitalism and a market company have been emerging. In the mid-1990s, Russia’s vast state oil and mining companies were sold off and many younger entrepreneurs took the opportunity to start successful businesses. These companies have now expended into other areas of industry, such as baking, telecommunications, retail and the arts.
At the same time, the number of smaller business has increased dramatically. More money has been coming into the economy. The devolution of the rouble after 1998 economic crisis actually helped to promote a mini-boom. Real wages fell, which encouraged small enterprises to expand. Imports became too expansive for the average Russian, so local production increased. As a result, a new middle class has emerged with money to spend on consumer goods. It’s all part of the market economy.
International companies have also been investing in Russia since the fall of communism. Companies like McDonald’s, Rolls Royce, Ferrari and IKEA have opened business such as shops, showrooms, and factories. Russian entrepreneurs themselves have made significant investments outside Russia – for example Roman Abramovich, who has invested some of his fortune in the London football club Chelsea.
As one observer put it: “the speed of what’s been happening in Russia since 1991 is remarkable – in many ways they’ve seen a ‘second Russian revolution’”.

HARDING, H.; TAYLOR, L. International Express intermediate. Student’s book. Oxford: Oxford, 2012.

I) No excerto “anyone who has been following developments in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991 won’t be too surprised” o verbo que está no Present Perfect Continuous (“follow”) refere-se a pessoas que têm acompanhado as perdas econômicas da Rússia desde a queda do comunismo naquele país, em 1991.
II) No excerto “more money has been coming into the economy” afirma-se que mais dinheiro tem entrado na economia russa. Há elementos textuais que nos permitem inferir que tal fato vem ocorrendo desde a queda do comunismo na Rússia até o momento atual, o que explica a utilização do Present Perfect Continuous nesse trecho.
III) O excerto “international companies have also been investing in Russia since the fall of communism” traz a informação de que empresas internacionais têm investido na Rússia. Isso ocorre nos dias atuais, tendo começado a ocorrer desde a queda do comunismo naquele país.
IV) No excerto “'the speed of what’s been happening in Russia since 1991 is remarkable (…)’” afirma-se que, desde 1991, os acontecimentos que têm ocorrido na Rússia são notáveis, apesar de as mudanças econômicas serem lentas.

Agora, assinale a alternativa correta:


Somente as afirmações I e II estão corretas.

Somente as afirmações I e IV estão corretas.

Somente as afirmações II e III estão corretas.

Somente as afirmações III e IV estão corretas.

Nenhuma afirmação está correta.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por queziabp
alternativa correta II,III

helocossich: concordo II e III
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