Inglês, perguntado por luizfrodrigues32, 5 meses atrás

6) Escolha a alternativa que completa a sentença abaixo:
The Past Simple tense is used in all sentences
A) to talk about completed actions an states in the past.
B) to talk about incomplete actions and states in the past.
7) Complete os espaços com palavras ou expressões do quadro e complete as afirmações seguintes
was/ -ed / when Senna was four/ were / in 1972
A) The Past Simple is often used with expressions that refer to a specific time in the past.
In the sentences, the time expressions are: for his tenth birthday,
B) Supported and received are examples of regular verbs in the past. Regular verbs in the Past
c) Was / were, gave and won are examples of irregular verbs in the past. We use​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por celizandropinto


está muito difícil vc colocou sen nenhum espaço

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