Inglês, perguntado por emmelysoso60, 5 meses atrás

6. Complete as frases usando as question words e relacione as colunas com as respostas adequadas para cada pergunta.
a)__________ will you have for dinner?
b)__________ did Jane meet at the party?
c)__________ did they go to Paris?
d)__________ are the children singing?
e)__________ did he finish his painting?
( ) We will have Spanish food.
( ) She met Miranda.
( ) They went there by train.
( ) They are singing in the concert hall.
( ) He finished it last night.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por asgouvea2


a) What will you have for dinner?

b) Who did Jane meet at the party?

c) When did they go to Paris?

d) Where are the children singing?

e) When did he finish his painting?

(a ) We will have Spanish food.

( b) She met Miranda.

( c) They went there by train.

(d ) They are singing in the concert hall.

(e ) He finished it last night.


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