Inglês, perguntado por KhryslaineSilva03, 7 meses atrás

6) Complete as frases com ospronomes: 1, my, he, his, she, her, you or your,

a) Julia is ___ best friend. I love her!
b) This is ___ not my pencil. This is_pencil. Give it to John, please,
c) Danna is ___ asking for you because she is with
d) She is ___ very important here. Do you know

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jhovanna123otakachan


a)Julia is my best friend. I love her!

b) This is your not my pencil. This is his pencil. Give it to John, please,

c) Danna is you asking for you because she is with


d) She is your very important here. Do you know ?

Acho que é isto, espero ajudar!

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