6.according tô the picture,Fill in the blanks using the words in the box
heavy • ligtht • longe • colorful • old
A)Bob's shorts are____peter's
B)peter's shirt is____bob's T-shirt
C)peter's sneakers até _____bob's Flip -flops.
D)Bob's T-shirt is _____peter's shirt.
E)Bob's Flip -flops are______peter's sneakers
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Fill in the blanks
A) Bob's shorts are longer than Peter's.
B) Peter's shirt is more colorful than Bob's t-shirt.
C) Peter's sneakers are heavier than Bob's flip-flops.
D) Bob's T-shirt is older than Peter's shirt.
E) Bob's flip-flops are lighter than Peter's sneakers.
⇒⇒ Comparative form >> compara 2 coisas, pessoas, grupos, sendo que um tem qualidade/característica superior.
Principais regras:
→ Adjetivos com até duas sílabas, a regra é acrescentar ‘’-er’’ ao adjetivo e incluir a palavra ‘’than’’ que significa ‘’do que’’.
Estrutura >>> adjetivo + -er + than
Bob is taller than his brother, Jack. (tall)
→ Adjetivos com mais de 3 sílabas - acrescenta ''more'' antes do adjetivo adjetivo + than
Estrutura >>> more + adjetivo + than
Liz is more beautiful than Susan.
A plane is more expensive than a car.
→ Adjetivo com duas sílabas e advérbio que termina em consoante + ''y'', tira o ''y'' e acrescenta ''-ier'' + than
busy >> busier than
lucky >> luckier than
→ Adjetivos curtos e que terminam em vogal + consoante, dobra a última consoante e acrescenta ''er'' + than
big >> bigger than
sad >> sadder than
far >>> farther than
good >>> better than
bad >>> worse than
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