Inglês, perguntado por jv14558, 8 meses atrás

5ª. De acordo com a regra , conjugue o verbo to try ( tentar ) no Simple Past. REGRA :verbos regulares terminados em “y” precedidos de consoante , retira-se o y e acrescenta-se IED : I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

I tried

You tried

He tried

She tried

It tried

We tried

You  tried

They tried

Respondido por diogoschiratogobate1


I tried to explain to you, but you din't tried even to understand.

He tried to play football, but his finger was broken.

She tried to make the cake, but she failed.

Have you ever tried it?

We tried to play videogame, but the wifi was not working.

Have you tried to talk with the teacher to understand what your group have to do?

They tried to win the match, but the other team was better.


A regra é simples e a execução mais ainda.

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