Inglês, perguntado por lovsmary, 10 meses atrás

53.4 Answer these questions.

1. What is the desired effect of any medication?
2. Is a knock-on effect usually welcomed or not?
3. Which other collocation in A has a similar meaning to primary cause?
4. Ifa dentist gives you a local anaesthetic injection, how long does it usually take before you feel the full effect of the injection?
5. Do you think society has suffered any ill effects as the result of the invention of television?
6. Can you name an invention that has been rendered obsolete by new technology?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ShinKai


1- That has a good effect, and improves pain / illness.

2- Some people prefer it to be straightforward.

Só posso ajudar com essas por enquanto. Desculpa.

lovsmary: obrigada <3
ShinKai: de nada!
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