Inglês, perguntado por balykbaevadariga, 5 meses atrás

5 Work in pairs. Accept or refuse your
partner's invitations to 1-5. Use phrases
from exercises 3 and 4.
1 a sushi restaurant
2 a dance class
3 a comedy film
4 the new shopping centre
5 a climbing wall
Do you fancy coming to a sushi
restaurant with me?
I can't, I'm afraid.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Luizfelipeandra

As perguntas em Inglês sempre são feitas com o verbo auxiliar (do, have, will, ...) ou to be (are, is, ...), seguida do sujeito e por fim o verbo principal e o objeto.

A primeira frase poderia ser:

- Do you wanna go to a sushi restaurant with me tonight?

- Sorry, i have lot of work to do.

A segunda:

- Would you like go to a dance class with me? i need practise for my show.

- Yes, sure.

A terceira:

- Do you wanna watch that comedy film in movie theater?

- Oh no, i just watched it.

A quarta:

- I need buy a short in the new shopping center, do you come round with me?

- Yes, why not.

A quinta:

- I'm excited to climb a climbing wall, would you like climb with me?

- No away, i'm afraid of heights.

Pra saber mais, marque as palavras que você não conhece o significado e procure num dicionário Inglês-Português, isso ajuda a aumentar seu vocabulário. Good Luck!

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