Inglês, perguntado por vc134445, 10 meses atrás

5. Utilize o verbo to be no passado nas seguintes frases: (affirmative). a) Mary Ann ________________________________ my first girlfriend. b) I ________________________________ in Rio in February. c) That cat _______________________ sick last week. d) We ___________________________________ at John’s house last weekend. e) They _________________________________ on vacation last July. f) You __________________________________ not a good student two years ago. g) Jack and Bill _________________________ very good friends. h) Jack __________________________________ at school last year. i) She ___________________________________ happy with the new dress. j) They __________________________________ not in class yesterday.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SofiaMartins2309


a) was

b) was/were (no caso do I vc pode escolher qual usar)

c) was

d) were

e) were

f) were

g) were

h) was

i) was

j) were

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