Inglês, perguntado por kauanethavarobp8rv2h, 10 meses atrás

5- Sublinhe a opção correta:
a) I am hungry (and / but) I can't go home to have lunch now.
b) It's late (and / but) the kids don't want to go to bed.
c) Our bus is late (and / but) I think we have time to get to work.
d) She usually gets home at four o'clock (and / but) today she is late.
e) I got a great present (and / but) I didn't like it.
f) They live in an apartment (and / but) they like it very much.
g) My friend is thin (and / but) she's very strong.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por miguelsao1623



Yesterday I was walking in the streets and the day was really hot, so I decided to stop at a restaurant and drink a soda. When I was almost asking it, I decided that I should take care of my health. I could drink it, but it would be so unhealthy…

Then I tried to control myself and said:  

“Could I get an orange juice, please?”

The guy answered me:

“Ok. May I put ice and sugar?”

Then I started to think like: “I like sugar, but it would be so unhealthy!”

So I said:  “No, thanks.”

A few minutes later, I got my orange juice. That sensation made me a winner! I said to myself:  “Congrats, you can do it!”

That story would be amazing if I hadn’t taken the soda. But that’s ok, tomorrow it will be different!

2. Como você falaria com o seu amigo para pedir uma ajuda com o dever de casa?

b) Can you help me with my homework?

Obs.: Apesar de vc poder usar can, could ou would para fazer pedidos ou solicitações, can é mais informal pra falar com um amigo. Could é um pouco mais educado e would é a mais formal das três opções.

3. Imagine que você está em sala de aula e precisa pedir para ir ao banheiro. Qual a melhor opção?

c) May I go to the toilet, please?

4. I did everything that I could, but we lost the match.

d) could

5. You should take this job. It’s perfect for you!

a) should

6. I wish I could buy this new car, but it’s only a distant dream.

d) could

7. If I had your number, I would call you tomorrow.

c) would

8. The show must go on.

d) must


a) Can I have a word with you? (permissão)

b) Can you drive well? (habilidade)

c) Students mustn't leave the room before the end of the test. (Proibição)

d) I must go now. I'm in a hurry. (Obrigação)

e) I can speak two languages fluently. (habilidade)


Verbos modais (Modal verbs)

A função dos verbos modais é mudar ou complementar o sentido do verbo principal, expressando ideias de possibilidade, obrigação, dedução, desejo, proibição, vontade, capacidade, etc. Veja, a seguir, os verbos modais e o que cada um, basicamente, expressa:

Can (capacidade): I can run for a long time. (Eu posso correr por muito tempo)

Could (possibilidade): I could do it, but I don’t want. (Eu poderia fazer isso, mas eu não quero)

Might (probabilidade): You might go with me. (Você pode ir comigo).

Should (conselho): You should visit your mother. (Você deveria visitar sua mãe)

May (pedido): May I go to the party? (Eu posso ir na festa?)

Must (obrigação): He must study English. (Ele deve estudar inglês)

Ought to (conselho): You ought to know Rio de Janeiro. (Você deveria conhecer o Rio de Janeiro)

Would (pedido): Would you help me with this? (Você me ajudaria com isso?)

Shall (sugestão): Shall we study? (Vamos estudar?)


Espero ter ajudado!!

Respondido por lavipardal


a) but

b) and

c) but

d) but

e) but

f) and

g) but


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