Inglês, perguntado por anaclaraabs20, 11 meses atrás

5. Put these sentences into the PAST. Use past form of verb "TO BE"
(Coloque essas frases no PAST. Use a forma anterior do verbo "TO BE")

I was at home.

Examplo: I'm at home.

a) Jane and Michael are tired.

b) She's in the park.

c) It's a sunny day.

d) You're late.

e) They aren't hungry.

f) We aren't at work.

g) I'm thirsty.

h) You aren't at school.

i) We're at the cinema.

j) Paula isn't happy.

k) Everyone is excited

1) I'm not afraid​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por livia2400
a ) Jane and Michael were tired
b ) She was in the park
c ) It was a sunny day
d ) You were late
e ) They weren’t hungry
f ) We weren’t at work
g ) I was thirsty
h ) You weren’t at school
i ) We weren’t at the cinema
j ) Paula wasn’t happy
k ) Everyone was excited
L ) i was not afraid

obs: vc pode trocar o WEREN’T e WASN’T por WERE NOT e WAS NOT, fica à sua escolha qual falar, as duas formas estão correntas !!!

EXPLICAÇÃO: só trocar o verbo TO BE q são IS e ARE por WAS e WERE e caso seja negativo, é so acrescentar o NOT na abreviação ou separado !!!
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