Inglês, perguntado por analivia1240souza60, 4 meses atrás

5)Marque apenas as frases corretas.
a) Today is more hot than yesterday()
b) What's better than a good dinner? ( )
c) My English paper is the baddest in class. ( )
d) f) Mike's bike is more new than his brother's.(
e) h) John is more successful than his little brother.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GabriwlaSemeghini


a) Today is more hot than yesterday - errada  

b) What's better than a good dinner? - correta  

c) My English paper is the baddest in class. errada  

d) f) Mike's bike is more new than his brother's. - errada  

e) h) John is more successful than his little brother. correta


analivia1240souza60: Obrigada
GabriwlaSemeghini: por nada
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