Inglês, perguntado por Alyyr, 7 meses atrás

5) (EEAR) Considering the underline expression in the sentence "Flight operations to and from
Chennai have been affected due to heavy rains", it is correct to say that: (Considerando a expressão
sublinhada é correto dizer que)
a) The present perfect tense was used to refer to a temporary continuing action.
b) The present perfect tense was used to announce news of a recent event.
c) The present perfect tense was used to say that something was in progress.
d) The simple past was used to announce an earlier past.
e) The simple past was used to say that an action was completed in the past.​

MrGrando: qual expressão que esta sublinhada?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MrGrando


b) The present perfect tense was used to announce news of a recent event.


letras D e E não estão certas pq os verbos nem estão no passado simples.

Letra B esta certa pq uma das funções do presente perfeito no ingles é

falar de algo que recentemente aconteceu. Em especial quando queremos introduzir uma NOTÍCIA.

Alyyr: poderia me ajudar em uma outra questão de inglês??
Alyyr: 3) Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect tense: (Complete as frases usando o
Present Perfect)
a) I______that movie twenty times (see)
b) You_____by bus (travel)
C) She_____her grandmother (not visit)
d) ___ you___your activities? (finish)
Alyyr: ME ajude nessa pfvr
MrGrando: A) Have seen , b) have traveled, c) She hasn't visited, d) Have you finished ...
Alyyr: obg
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