Inglês, perguntado por misstr265, 7 meses atrás

5) Dando conselho com as expresses abaixe. Use you, he, she, we, they should ou
take medicine / take up swimming /
worry about it
eat so much sweets / do little jobs or go babysitting / ask your teacher to explain it again!
study harder! watch too much television/ practise a lot / get up earlier

1-We are often late for school

2-My friends laugh at me because I don't have expensive clothes.

3-My mother has got a terrible headache.

4- I don't understand how to give advice in English

5-My brother gets very bad marks at school.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Modal verbs >>>  should / shouldn't

1- We are often late for school .

   You shouldn't watch too much television.

    You should get up earlier.

2- My friends laugh at me because I don't have expensive clothes.

     You should do little jobs or go babysitting.

    You shouldn't worry about it.

3- My mother has got a terrible headache.  

    She should take medicine.

4- I don't understand how to give advice in English .

    You should ask your teacher to explain it again!

   You should practise a lot.

5- My brother gets very bad marks at school.​

    He should study harder!

Obs.: Esses dois conselhos >>> take up swimming /   eat so much sweets  não cabem em nenhuma dessas situações acima.

take up swimming    >> começar a nadar

eat so much sweets >> comer tantos doces

⇒⇒ Modal verbs >> são verbos ''diferentes'' que possuem características próprias. São usados para auxiliar o verbo principal da frase. Não são conjugados, não recebem ''s'' na terceira pessoa do singular, não têm plural. São sempre escritos da mesma forma, independente do contexto. Não têm tradução se estiverem sozinhos, sem um verbo em seguida.

→→ Should - usado para dar conselhos >> deveria

John should study more if he wants to get good marks.

John deveria estudar mais se ele quiser tirar boas notas.

You shouldn't say those things. (should + not = shouldn't)

Você não deveria dizer aquelas coisas.

Susan should work less.

Susan deveria trabalhar menos.

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misstr265: AAAAAAA brigadaaa <33 :D
studies2345: Parabéns pela excelente resposta!!
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