Inglês, perguntado por opoliana375, 4 meses atrás

5- Complete com os verbos no presente continuous:
a- He
volleyball now. ( to play)
b- We
English. (too study)
C- They
a good film. ( to watch)
a book now. ( to study)
e She
na apple. ( to eato
f- You
milk. ( to drink)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mrnvgd


a- He is playing volleyball now.

b- We are studying English.

c- They are watching a good film.

d- We are studying a book now.

e- She is eating an apple.

f- You are drinking milk.


present continuous = ação realizada no momento da fala

sujeito + verbo to be + verbo principal com ing (gerúndio)

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